Effective Website Sales Funnels – The Human Element – Do Your Visitors Get to Know You?


It is all too common. You see it all the time. Websites that are clearly intended to sell something but are really nothing more than a picture, some text and a link to buy it. When was the last time you clicked that link on a site like that? Sure, on the website of Amazon or Best Buy or NetFlix or some other huge company that is well known and has spent millions and millions positioning themselves in your mind and bank account. But what about a small and relatively unknown company like yours? Are your visitors going to buy from a picture and a paragraph? No. They are going to need to be actively sold. Part of being actively sold is being given the opportunity to build some level of connection and trust. The big players have built that in other ways from outside of their websites and with huge budgets dedicated to the task. You have to do it here, on your website and with a very small budget.

There are many small but important things that need to be done to build connection and trust. Spell correctly. Use decent grammar. Do not lie. Make your navigation clean and easy…you get the idea. Those are the basics and need to be tight. On top of all that you also need to have some human contact elements. Websites are by their very nature cold impersonal things that could have been put there by anyone for all sorts of nefarious purposes. At least some of that is going through the mind of the site’s visitors unless it is the site of a well known company (and even then it is still probably in there a little bit). In order to build some real connection and trust with your potential buyers you will need to be personally present in your site and in your sales process if you want to approach anything near maximum effectiveness clickfunnels pricing. This can be accomplished through the use of photographs and audio, video, live chat and call center activities.

Certainly the easiest and generally least intimidating for you is to use photographs and audio. They are listed together for a reason…use them together. A slide show style arrangement works quite well with this combination of media. You can have a picture with audio just automatically start when the page loads or you can have a little descriptive text and they can start the audio manually. You can have a bunch of picture/audio pairs running down a page or you can have them on sequential pages. There are many ways to implement this feature. The key is to make sure that your personality shines through. Let your visitors get to know you a little bit and in some way that is relevant to what you are trying to sell and to what relationship you will have after the sale. As you get customers this is also a great way to present their testimonials as opposed to a text excerpt from a letter they wrote to you. Their picture and voice talking about their experience with you, your company and your product or service will go a long way in getting you to that sale.

Video is the logical extension of the slide show. Use it! Video is more interactive and loved by both visitors (as long as it loads fast) and search engine robots. You can carry a message in video very powerfully and with the same enthusiasm as the first time you said it…every time. Your personality and who you are will be readily available to your visitors. People do business with people, not companies. Make yourself present loud and clear and ready to assist your visitors by guiding them through your site with a string of short personal video blurbs relevant to where they are in the sales process at that time. There are limitless possibilities for video materials in your sales funnel. Video testimonials are also a great way to build trust. Do not overlook video when you are adding human elements to your sales funnel. Your sales will suffer if you do.

Live chat and call center activities are both expensive (due to staffing requirements or your time) and means you, or people you hire, must be available a great deal. After all, websites are open twenty four hours a day and seven days a week, including holidays. These features are also vulnerable to the current mood of the live operator involved. So, there are some big disadvantages present in these types of human element features. Why then are they listed? Done correctly and conscientiously they work…and work well. If your offering is complex or requires a significant investment of time or money it will be difficult to close many deals without talking to your potential customers. Do not underestimate the power of having someone available to hear their concerns, answer their questions and help them over the fence of resistance we all have to parting with our money or time.

Make your sales funnel come alive with real people talking directly about your offering and its role in their lives. Make it come alive with people addressing concerns, fulfilling desires and whatever else your offering can do to enhance the lives of your visitors. Let your visitors come to know and trust you personally. At the end of the day…people do business with people. Period.

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